RETURNS & EXCHANGE POLICY - Upon delivery if you find a major problem with the product, or even if you have ordered goods incorrectly, we will be happy to either replace the item or provide you with a refund of the purchase price less any shipping costs & Credit Card Charges that we have incurred.
Please contact us in the first instance for a Returns Authority Number.
The goods being returned must be unused and in their original packaging with a copy of your purchase receipt. This must be done within Seven days of delivery. We reserve the right to reject any items that do not meet these conditions.
Customer to organise return of goods, return postal charges, tracking including transit insurance are at customer's expense.
Please note that this policy does not apply if a customer simply changes their mind about the product, decides on another brand, Sale Product Lines, Factory Seconds or Clearance items.
If at time of delivery/pickup you observe that the external packing carton is damaged, please register your observations immediately with the carrier and obtain a reference number. All costs involved in returning the goods in question will be the responsibility of the purchaser prior to a refund or exchange being issued.
PRICE - Whilst all attempts are made to accurately price all products, in the event of a price being incorrect, we reserve the right to notify you of this and correct pricing prior to completing your purchase.
STOCK - Orders may be delayed or cancelled if stock is unavailable at the time of purchase. We will notify you by email promptly if this is the case.
CONDITIONS -Carrom Boards Australia may change and update the information from time to time without notice to users. We reserve the right to change prices and offers without prior notice. All Price Discounts shown on our website are off our manufacturers/suppliers RRP Pricing.
By continuing to use this site, the user accepts the above terms and conditions
Please feel free to browse and thanks for visiting Carrom Boards Australia Online Store. If you have any questions at all please feel free to contact us.
All Our Real Wood Carrom Boards and Accessories are AQIS Compliant